A Concept by Forester Tommy T.
Valdez SFFI - National Council President
This program espouses the belief
that “caring for the planet is caring for mankind”. With simple ways and shared
means, we can make the world a better place to live in.
In the recent years, we’ve come to
learn of the two degrees (2o) Celsius
threshold in global warming that needs addressing to avert the looming
catastrophe of climate change. According to CNN (2015), the planet can
experience super droughts, rising seas, mass extinctions and acidifying oceans
beyond that mark... situations that could lead to ELEs or extinction level
With this in mind, the Society of
Filipino Foresters, Inc. (SFFI) has been thinking of ways to contribute in
taming this “creature” called cimate change. Reckoning from the Philippines’
commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) 21st Conference of
Parties (COP21) held from November 30 to December 11, 2015 in Paris, France,
the country has set its Intended Nationally- Determined Contribution to carbon
emission reduction at 70%.
Based on the research conducted by
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Environmental Sciences Division,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, United States, the Philippines (in
2011) with 0.9 metric tons (MT) of carbon dioxide emission per capita, ranks
141st worldwide. Ranked
1st is Qatar with 44
MT, followed closely by its neighbors in the Middle East while the US is ranked
11th with 17 MT.
The Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA), meanwhile, officially reported that as of 2010, the country’s
population is already 92.34 million with annual average growth of 2.0% from
2000 to 2010. Using the said data, we can assume that the Philippines now has
an approximate population of 103 million.
Based on
http://shrinkthatfootprint.com covering carbon emission may be attributed to
travel, housing, food, product and services footprint. Hence, considering these
and the statistics cited by the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center and
the PSA, it can be assumed that the country has an annual carbon emission of
92.7 million metric tons.
A research conducted by the
Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) that is the research arm of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), reports that
planting Falcata (Paraserianthes falcataria) can sequester 15.34
kilograms of carbon annually. Therefore, an annual carbon emission of 0.9
metric tons requires a person to plant and maintain 59 trees throughout his/her
lifetime. On the other hand, Bagras (Eucalyptus deglupta), Mahogany (Swietenia
macrophylla), Mangium (Acacia mangium), and Yemane (Gmelina
arborea) has a predicted annual carbon sequestration capacity of 4.84,
4.15, 10.55 and 4.22 kilograms respectively. Using the median (or average) plus
contingency for mortality, it is safe to assume that planting 100 trees would
render a person as “carbon neutral”.
The SFFI, with reference to the
aforementioned information, recognizes that while ambitious, there is an urgent
need to offset human carbon emissions not only to save the planet, but moreso
to save mankind. Being carbon neutral is a responsibility we all have to
safeguard our future generations.
The Program, conceptualized and
implemented by the SFFI in partnership with the DENR, is tailor-fitted on the
notion that carbon sequestration should be self-driven to achieve carbon
neutrality not only by individuals but by organizations and corporations noting
their respective carbon emission rate. Participants therefore will have the
opportunity to design and determine their respective tree-planting activity/ies
based on their estimated carbon emissions within DENR- or government-assigned
The SFFI, involving all member
professsional foresters in the country shall act as the over-all implementer of
the Program in partnership with the DENR, and will partner with various public,
private and community organizations in the development, implementation,
monitoring, and management of their respective Carbon Neutral Program sites.
Hence, Program implementation shall take on the following steps:
1. Site identification, survey, mapping and planning. Proposed areas
are those that are already covered by existing tenurial instruments such as
Forest Reservations, Watershed Reservations, National Parks, CBFMA and other
government-administered areas that are accessible and have existing area
monitoring and protection mechanisms.
Identified sites are then
surveyed, mapped and designed with a plan fitting its approved land-use.
Partners will then have an option to choose which area they would wish to
develop according to their agreed intervention/s.
Whenever possible, all sites must
have an accessible seedling nursery facility to enable timely and sufficient
supply of planting stocks.
2. Site development. Within the bounds of assigned sites,
the SFFI will coordinate with DENR and participants on the details of
partnership such as date/s, logistical arrangements and sponsorship fees and
other attendant information. The agreed site will be pre-marked in favor of the
participants/sponsors to enable proper identification and upkeep.
Actual planting will be extra
challenging since all participants will be required to follow the required
specifications in any particular site to achieve the desired results.
Meanwhile, seedling requirement,
may be outsourced from eligible and competent organizations, to ensure good
quality of seedlings that will be utilized. When possible, the first option
will be to partner with any DENR office who has existing facility/ies and
3. Certification and Publication. Soon after the
completion of the participants’ tree planting target of 100 trees, they will
then be issued with certifications on carbon neutrality signed by the SFFI and
the DENR together with tokens (such as t-shirts) that may be provided from time
to time. Note that all planted trees will be
geo-tagged and said information
shall be inscribed in certificates to be issued. Meanwhile, printed t-shirts
that will be given to participants will serve as token and/or proof for having
planted the required number of trees (please see Annex 1 for t-shirt design).
4. Site care and visit/s. Participants are free to visit
accomplished sites during the nursing period to check survival of planted trees
or undertake replanting activities but must coordinate first with the site’s
administrator (DENR, LGU, GOCC, etc.).
Fully planted trees/sites, will be
marked, whenever possible under the name of the participants to enable easy
Preferably, planting sites may be
one of the following:
1.DENR - offered sites, i.e., National
Parks, Forest/Watershed Reservations, etc.;
2.National Power Corporation (NPC) -
administered sites for better access and
3.Community - based forest management
agreement (CBFMA) – tenured sites with
existing active community organization;
4.Government - managed tourism areas.
The 17 SFFI Regional Presidents
and members of the Executive Committee, led by the National Council President
Tommy T. Valdez, will be launching this Program during the Environment Day on
June 05, 2016 in Iloilo City together with the SFFI Western Visayas Regional Council
headed by its President Forester Livino B. Duran, and DENR Region VI headed by
Regional Director Jim O. Sampulna, and a corporate partner that will provide
the needed support. The corporate partner’s carbon emission will be calculated
and shall serve as basis in determining the seedling and planting requirements.
The 16 other SFFI Regional
Councils, involving all member profesional foresters in the country will
replicate the said activity in selected sites within their regions during the
month of June 2016. The month of June is considered as the “Philippine
Environment Month” by virtue of Proclamation Order No. 237 issued in 1988.
Fund-generation activities for the
program may be done through (a) income-generating projects conducted both at
the National, Regional and Provincial levels; (b) sponsorship from
stakeholders; (c) crowd-funding; and (d) Company-led and funded tree planting.
Whenever possible, media coverage
and exposures will be made to promote the Program and achieve meaningful public-private-community
partnership (PPCP).
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